






Organisational Assessment Frameworks & Strategic Advice 


We understand organisations, structures and roles, which are key to understanding what types of people you need not only now but also in the future.  

Most organisations are made up of doing roles, managing roles and change/leadership roles. Getting the structure right across these and the various functional areas makes for high-performing organisations.  But things change! 

We work with our clients to identify why structures and clusters of roles may no longer be fit for purpose.  The challenge is often reconfiguring parts or levels of the organisation without creating major disturbance.


How can we help?

  • Organisational structure & restructuring advice;

  • Role framework design & role profiling

  • Assessment frameworks & organisational wide approaches to assessment

  • Psychometric testing advice 

  • Assessor training

  • Linking assessment with development, performance, talent management

  • Merger & Acquisition support




Leadership Team Selection

We work with senior teams to understand what they are there to do as a collective.

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Executive & Senior Leader Assessment

We know and understand senior roles and people, as well as the context they work in.

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Read the latest Research Digest from the British Pyschologist Society

Assessment for Organisations

Context and consistency are key.

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