






Change for Leaders

“I am who I am – you won’t change me now!”  People only tend to change because they either need to or want to. We also know individual change is ‘sticky’ - old habits tend to reappear.  

The science tells us that change is about new habits, not trying to eradicate old ones, so that is how we work with senior leaders, one-to-one on their individual change agenda.  

We also support senior leaders during the organisational change journey - a little objective professional support and guidance often helps.  

So sometimes it is simply talking it through, sometimes asking the questions colleagues will not ask, and sometimes providing technical change guidance beyond just providing coaching/mentoring.


How can we help?

  • Change agenda identification & support

  • Habit formation & behaviour change coaching

  • Change coaching

  • As a consigliere

  • Organisational change advice




Organisational Change

We are particularly interested in why change is happening for your organisation.

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Senior Team Change

Change is difficult and threatening, and can often be divisive. 

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Read the latest Research Digest from the British Pyschologist Society

Individual Change

Change is like love - it is in the eye of the beholder.

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