






Senior Team Change

Change is difficult and threatening, and can often be divisive.  

Senior leadership teams are often the gate-keepers of the organisation’s culture but also they need to be orchestrators of organisational change. Throw into the mix the variety of ways change can be done, as well as what could be changed to achieve the desired outcome!  

Then is it any wonder that senior teams do not often handle change well? Supporting senior teams through the changes they need to make to organisations is where we often add value.  

We are also often asked to work with senior teams to help them personally to deal with the change.   


How can we help?

  • Change agenda identification

  • Team change coaching

  • Strategic facilitation

  • External sounding board or conscience

  • Team building

  • Change advice 




Organisational Change

We are particularly interested in why change is happening for your organisation.

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Change for Leaders

“I am who I am – you won’t change me now!”  People only tend to change because they either need to or want to.

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Read the latest Research Digest from the British Pyschologist Society

Change for Teams

A little help from your friends - innovators, early adopters and luddites alike.

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