What is performance?
Outcome-Output-Input? Individual or team? Efficiency versus effectiveness? Hard deliverables or quality relationships? Shorter term annual objectives or three year contribution? Annual profit and loss, three year business plan or business strategy? Key results areas, metrics, activities, adding value? Line reporting, delegated accountability, matrix management? 1 to 5 rating scales, exceeded expectations, poor performance, in the bottom quartile, they’re great, they need to go! 9 box grid? Minefield! But at its core it is about setting people up for success.
Organisations that have a performance culture, which is supported by an effective performance management approach bespoke to their context for the current business cycle, tend to be high performing organisations.
Teams that are clear on what is expected, the roles required to deliver those expectations and how they work together both practically and emotionally are highly effective. Sounds easy but is an uncommon practice.
People who are clear on what is expected of them and how this fits into the organisation, who know how they are doing on an on-going basis, and who feel supported and recognised in their contribution, perform well.